Your Personal Development Resource Center


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is Purpose? Day Two

As you may well know, we are finite beings living in an infinite universe. In other words, at some point we will perish from this earth and return to the dust from whence we came.

However, fear not.

Time is always given for the completion of purpose.

That last statement is only true to those who seek and find what their true purpose is. There are many gifts and contributions to this "side" that are six feet under. For this reason, alone, is why it is critical that you find what your purpose is before leaving this world.

Don't waste your time on frivolous activities that neither contribute to yourself nor anyone else. Put another way, "He who has time to burn will never give the world much light. Killing time is not murder, it's suicide."

How many of you feel life (time) is passing by really fast? You probably feel that way because you are focusing on time and not on your purpose. When you are living out your purpose, there is no time to focus on time because your purpose is consuming, yet not of your time.

Let me leave you with this closing thought:

Killing is death before the completion of purpose. Dying is death after purpose has been fulfilled.

Until tomorrow, peace.

Helping You Reach Your Peak

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