Your Personal Development Resource Center


Thursday, August 5, 2010

What is Purpose? Day Three

Welcome to day three of my series on 'Purpose.' I hope you have gotten something that you can apply to discovering and living your purpose. Today's post is an excerpt from an article I came across today.

The author (William Damon, Prof. of Education at Stanford University & the Director of the Stanford Center on Adolescence) is writing about purpose in general, however he has done extensive research on purpose as it relates to adolescents and young adults. Read the following excerpt with an open mind and I am interested in hearing your perspective.

"The road to hope, for both the individual and the society, can only be approached by the path to purpose. Purpose is required to fill the spiritual vacuum that leads to drift, apathy, cynicism, and nihilism. Purpose is needed to sustain the will to strive, achieve, contribute, and continue learning. Purpose provides resilience in hard times, elevation in good times, and confident aspiration all throughout life. It is the key to psychological survival for the individual, economic and civic survival for the society, and a state of thriving and well-being for both."

I look forward to your responses to the above quotation. Please feel free to be open and honest in your responses.

"See" you later.

Helping You Reach Your Peak

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