Your Personal Development Resource Center


Monday, September 27, 2010

Smuggle Success and Prosperity into Your Mind for Great Results

Do you ever feel that some parts of yourself are fighting against your best efforts? That they're holding you back from achievement?

The part of self that most people have the greatest problems with is the "border guard" in charge of keeping you within your comfort zone. In fact, it's common to hear some people refer to their guard as some kind of enemy or mindless adversary.

But this “border guard” isn't an enemy. It's just trying to do the job it's been given. It hasn't been very well trained in the past, however, so it's grown a bit intrusive over the years.

It almost certainly needs a bit of re-educating, but is basically a well-meaning friend.

Remember this: every part of your self is a friend, and not an enemy -- ever. It's only YOUR incomplete understanding that leads you to divide up your self into enemy camps.

If you have an immovable block or obstacle that you just can't get past, it's often because of this border guard in your mind, and your testy relationship with it.

Say you need or want a larger income, but every way you turn seems to block that from happening. Nothing you try ever works, and you've remained short of money for as long as you can remember.

Well, you might want to stop trying to figure it out. In fact, stop looking for a solution altogether. Stop straining. After all, nothing in your “outer” life is going to change until something inside your mind changes. Read the last sentence again. Finding a "solution" will remain basically impossible until you find permission to HAVE what you desire. Forget solutions.


You can stop straining to take a step or two outside your comfort zone. Just use your power of imagination to bring new situations inside the zone. This is a safe, non-threatening way to smuggle in new ideas and effectively brainwash your border guard.

In a surprisingly short time, your border guard starts thinking that all this new stuff is a natural part of "its" territory, and will begin forcing you to stay inside with all this happiness, prosperity and success.

If you have problems that you've been unable to figure out after years of thinking, then more years of thinking probably won't produce significantly different results. This is a glaring indicator that you've been pouring your energies into the wrong activity.

You see, deciding how the problem gets solved isn't really your job. Your job is to mentally imagine a new situation where the "problem" is completely behind you. It has already been solved. Imagine this vividly, often and excitedly.

This is faith in action. Doesn't matter how impossible a situation seems. God has already created resources and connections you and I could never dream of. So your job is to place your order; and you do this by dwelling on your future vision, not the path TO that vision.

The path that leads to what you desire has already been created. Faith will bring you to openings and opportunities that you'd probably never expect nor imagine. But you do have to put in your order. You do that by clearly imagining what you desire and believing that you will receive it.

In effect, you're smuggling in new "facts" about what belongs inside your comfort zone.

In a surprisingly short time, your border guard will allow you to take the steps that have been placed before you.

But when imagining your future vision, just be sure to add the insurance phrase, "do this or something better in ways that are for the highest good for me and everyone involved."

This makes sure you get solutions that are gentle rather than jarring or abrupt.

I want to see you putting your energy into imagining your result, your outcome, NOT your problem. (And not your solution either, only your outcome.)

Start smuggling in your new future vision and allow your faith to build you a path to that exact, specific future.

Do this and see if you don't notice a dramatic change of fortunes.

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