Your Personal Development Resource Center


Friday, February 5, 2010

How Do You Spend 86,400 Seconds?

That's the number of seconds in each and every day that you are alive. Have you ever said any of the following:

"I wish there were more hours in the day."
"Where did the time go."
"I don't have enough time to..."

I know I have. With the demands on our lives in this modern age of technology, economic uncertainty and just everyday life, time is our most precious commodity. The good thing about it however, is that we all have the same amount of time - EVERYDAY!

How do you spend your 86,400 seconds?

To learn how, click here - How to Master Your Time by Brian Tracy

Believe it or not, we have all the time we need. The problem comes in when we try to do more than we are capable of doing and doing more than we need to do. Don't misunderstand, I know there are things that must get done but how many of you actually prioritize what you must do?

Think of it this way. If you knew that there would be no tomorrow, for you, but what you need to do today will have an impact on those you love...

What would you do in those 86,400 seconds allotted to you for that last day?

Something to make you go, hmmmmm.

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