Your Personal Development Resource Center


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beginning With The End

Here we are, nearly through the first quarter of 2009. Are you where you thought you’d be? Have you accomplished what you set out to accomplish one year ago? Are you content with where you are?

These questions, among others, may have crossed your mind since the beginning of the year. Nevertheless, take a serious look at yourself in relation to these questions. Use your answers to begin the building process for this year (if you haven't already).

I want you to make a few commitments - serious commitments - that when you look back at 2009, you can say that you have made progress from the previous year.

The areas in which you choose are those where you want to see change: marriage, employment, finances, health, etc. Of course this is a short list but you know best where you want (and need) change.

One of the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is ‘Begin with the End.’ In short, this habit posits that if you know how you wish the end of your life to turn out, you can create the necessary steps to get you there. In other words, where would you like to be one year from now?

Set a few commitments (translated, goals) that will put you in a position to hit the targets you (and significant others) have established. Will you reach them all? That depends on how much you commit to your commitments and the action you take to reach them. Can you visualize yourself in your ideal job one year from now? How about with less debt?

Remember, without vision the people perish. A step further is, a vision without action is just a picture - begin with the end for new beginnings.

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