Your Personal Development Resource Center


Sunday, February 15, 2009

In All Things Give Thanks

You woke up today and saw the sun shine. Give thanks!

You experienced history in the making on Election Day. Give thanks!

You have clothes. Give thanks!

The above mentioned statements are simplistic for a reason. Regardless of what you hear in the news, read in the newspaper or hear at the “water cooler,” you have a lot to be thankful for. We may not have everything we want; we may have even loss someone or something - but at the end of the day we should say thank you for being able to experience another day in the best country in the world.

I say best country in the world because where else can you have access to the opportunities that we have. An African-American can become President (Barack Obama); a woman can become a CEO (Meg Whitman-Ebay); and a first-generation college student from the inner city can become an author and start his own business (yours truly).

Yes, we are experiencing some trying times locally, statewide and on a national level. If I know my history, nearly 80 years ago, this country experienced similar economic trials. I believe it was called the Great Depression. Even through that “dark” period in our history, this country was able to move on and prosper though not without other trials:

-Korean War
-Civil Rights Movement
-Vietnam War
-70’s Oil Crisis

When going through a valley experience - i.e. trial - don’t pitch a tent. Go THROUGH it and make the necessary adjustments or changes within your control; and when you come out on the other side…GIVE THANKS!

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