Your Personal Development Resource Center


Friday, February 13, 2009

How Do You Recession-Proof Yourself?

Extreme job loss. The devaluing dollar. High foreclosure rates. A recession. An unstable stock market. Just a few of the issues facing our economy.

The above mentioned items don’t leave one to believe in or have faith in finding a job, let alone a career. It may even lead to individuals settling for less than what they deserve and missing out on their purpose in life. This is an unfortunate reality for many people, especially those affected by the aforementioned issues.

What can you do to survive, much less find your ideal job or career?

I read an article recently that referenced another article that asked, “Are Career Paths the Best for Professional Advancement?” You know, climbing the “corporate ladder.” For our purposes here, don’t look at “corporate” and “professional” as white collar, paper pushing executives carrying designer briefcases who drive expensive luxury sedans. Instead, look at it as working in a job or career that fully maximizes your skill set where you thoroughly enjoy what you do day in and day out.

Believe it or not, it is possible. How?

Back to the article. It is possible by building a career portfolio. A what? Yes, a career portfolio. I know, “how do I do that?” I’m glad you asked. Here are three things you can do to begin building your career portfolio:

1. YOU diversify. You will be less dependent on the company or the economy for security with the more options you have. This can be done by number 2.

2. Knowing your “most profitable skills.” The more transferable your skills are, the better you can make yourself attractive to potential employers as well as your present employer. An important key is “knowing” what those skills are.

3. Staying current on the trends in the economy and in your field or industry. Knowledge is power - only if you use it. Putting this knowledge to use should allow you to make wise decisions as it relates to finding your ideal job or career.

Regardless of your current situation take action by making yourself recession-proof.

When you truly know what your strongest competencies (i.e. skills) are and you strengthen them so that you are the best at what you do, you become recession-proof.

Of course this isn’t the only action you can take to walk into your ideal job or career. If you aren’t there yet, here is a good place to start. DO NOT allow your state (or condition) to determine your fate!

When you take action and follow the above strategy you, too, will be able to create success today for tomorrow.

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