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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Leaving A Legacy

You may be wondering why I'm writing about leaving a legacy. We just celebrated the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination; we know his legacy. We know the legacy of Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Malcolm X and JFK. I can name others however, my point is that each of these individuals have long passed away and their legacy lives with us today.

Today I attended the funeral of one of our church mothers (a senior woman of the congregation), Mama Lue who was 102 years old. Should we all be so fortunate to live that long. To have lived that long one would expect that your legacy will continue generations after you have "gone up yonder." In this case, I'm sure "Mama Lue" will leave a legacy with those she has touched in her 102 years.

My question to you is, "what will be your legacy?"

Often we get caught up in the problems of the world - high gas prices, crime, diseases, etc. - that we lose sight of being a solution for others. At one point during their lives, the above names made a difference in other people's lives. Yes, I'm sure they had their own personal problems but they all went beyond that. You may be looking at how you're going to get through next month or next week even. Don't get me wrong but you probably said the same thing last month or last week - and you're still here!

Leaving a legacy brings to mind the book "7 Habits for Highly Effective People." One of the principles discussed is 'Beginning With The End.' The basic premise is to look at your life from the end - your funeral. As today, with all funerals, the eulogy of "Mama Lue" told of how she lived her life for God; how she was there when others needed help; how she spoke life and not death and many other admirable comments.

Did she live her life so that she could have a wonderful eulogy? Did she even know how her life would turn out at the end? All that I know (and you should too) is that she had to "live" in such a way that she will leave a legacy for the rest of us.

Since you are reading this post, you can still effect the outcome of your legacy. How?


Just as we all can write a will that tells what we'll leave to whom, so can we write our own eulogy - NOW - that will tell what legacy we will leave. Think about it. If you know how you would like to be eulogized, then you have control over its content. Every day you should be creating the outline for your eulogy. You should be living your life according to how you want to be remembered.

Do you want to be remembered as a person who always complained and worried about your current situation? Do you want to be remembered as a person who blamed the world for you not accomplishing your purpose in life? Or do you want to be remembered as a person who was a joy to be around or a person who put others before self or even a person who poured into other's lives to make it just a little bit better?

Guess what? The choice is yours. You still have a chance to leave a positive mark in this world many years after you are gone. It is my desire that when individuals walk away from my presence that their life is a little bit better. This is one way I am laying the foundation to "the end."

So again I ask you, "what will be your legacy?"

RIP Mama Lue.


Anonymous said...

Leaving a Legacy
Great Topic
Something i have been thinking about latley. What am i showing my children the people around me? What's my life saying to others. At this time i know one thing my friends and my family will say. She was always behind the scene letting others shine. She was here own best keep secret.

Herm Allen said...

Keep doing what your're doing but also remember not to sacrifice yourself too much when doing for others. After all, it is YOUR life.