Your Personal Development Resource Center


Monday, June 14, 2010

5 Tips to Grow From Your Past

There are a lot of people walking around today wandering in a "wilderness" experience because of what happened in his or her past. Without taking up a lot of your time, below are five tips to grow from your past and move to your future.

1. PUT it where it the PAST!

2. ACCEPT that it happened.

3. SHAKE it off...move FORWARD!

4. THANK God you made it through.

Don't allow your past to be a ball & chain on the journey to your future. Believe it or not, you already possess the key to unlock yourself from the chain. That key is your ATTITUDE. As attributed to Henry Ford..."if you think you can or you think you can't, in either case you're right." Now let go of the past and proceed ahead.

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